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WeledaМассажное масло Weleda Dam 50 мл
<br>Avoiding perineal cuts, tears or other injuries is possible through a regular perineal massage, which prepares the perineal tissue for the birth. In addition to the nourishing almond oil, the dam massage oil contains wheat germ oil rich in vitamin E, which makes the skin supple and increases its elasticity.0 2323RUB23RUB

Массажное масло Weleda Dam 50 мл в Новоуральске
Avoiding perineal cuts, tears or other injuries is possible through a regular perineal massage, which prepares the perineal tissue for the birth. In addition to the nourishing almond oil, the dam massage oil contains wheat germ oil rich in vitamin E, which makes the skin supple and increases its elasticity.
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